
I’m sorry if you, my regular readers, cannot read in English, but I’m trying to know how well are my capabilities in the Shakespeare language. This post is about the weather, and my complain are against the weather forecast because in the first day of December, which were the coldest of the year, the forecast says that this winter will be the hardest of the last five years, and it will last (the low temperatures) until April.

Well, since then, the weather became warmer than expected, cause there is no cold at all. I’m one of those persons who use to be around without sweater or jacket, and I usually use them only in the winter nights. This December I don’t have to use them at all and the temperature is the same we have in March of 2006.

The lowest temperature in these days is 10°C and the last winter, this temperature was the highest in early January. In about 11 days will be my birthday, and I hope the forecast still wrong about the cold weather and I have a sunny day that Saturday. The new year starts with rain and that was a strange way to start the 2007 and that made me to have hope in a sunny day in my birthday.

In the environmental news, there was a forecast about hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean and the prediction is that four major hurricanes of the size of Katrina will hit the coast of the continent, and that caused by the “El Niño” effect that will have this year. The climate change have made that the meteorologist can’t predict the weather with accuracy, and that can explain the wrong prediction about the low temperatures in this winter.

Maybe the cold weather will be in the second part of the winter and effectively will last until April, but I cannot trust them anymore, and I will wait until that happens to have faith in the meteorologists again. Until then, lets enjoy the fact that still I don’t have to use sweater yet.



Nigger dijo…
gracias... a está corregido
Anónimo dijo…
Hay weee... el Negro internacionalizandose!!! Quien te viera!!! Si bien dicen que año nuevo... mañas nuevas.
Anónimo dijo…
CREO QUE TE FALTO UN ´S EN SHAKEspeare(*) language

y muy muy aparte, se nota que esto lo pensaste en español y después lo tradujiste, no est mal, ni es una falla, de hecho hace que se sienta más cercano.
Nigger dijo…
si, de hecho lo mas recomendable al hablar inglés es pensar en inglés y no en español y después traducirlo, pero en cuanto a la escritura sí es más complicado no hacerlo. Creo que al final de cuentas salió bien, pese a qué es lo que más mal me sale del inglés... el escribirlo.
eso es cierto, de repente dejas de escribir y cuando reinicias te cuesta un problemon
Anónimo dijo…
Estoy de acuerdo, para escribir, es mejor pensar en inglés que en español y después traducirlo.

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